Pod Circles

Insightful, Empowering, Connected

What is a Pod?

  • A selected international group of min 6 - max 8 Leaders from similar management levels but different industries
  • Meet every 6 weeks in an atmosphere of confidentiality, vulnerability, trust, openness to share in each other’s business experiences
  • Sessions are conducted by a skilled and experienced moderator
  • Pods are each 3 hour sessions over breakfast or a light non-alcoholic dinner, excluding the months of August and December
  • Annual fee of 2,100 Euros per person, including meals and venue, paid upon registration

Want to hear more about Pod Circles and what some members say?
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Feedback or...feedforward?

“Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.” Feedforward seems a more appropriate term as we look at improving our productivity at work and becoming a better colleague. Many leaders struggle with giving proper and effective feedforward to their teams and many colleagues struggle to share their own thoughts with their managers. Both givers and receivers can feel uncomfortable, lack confidence or simply don’t have the right words or approach. EQ skills and clear communication are the foundations for great feedforward.

This workshop will focus on:

Types of feedback …or feedforward

Effective listening
Asking powerful questions
Delivering and receiving “feedforward”
Managing negative reactions
Reducing the strain

This workshop is aimed at leaders with teams, regardless of their level in the company.

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Managers are not all leaders and becoming a manager does not automatically make one a leader. As many organizations shift from a hierarchical to a more linear structure, they do not need more managers, they need leaders who fulfill managerial roles. Leaders have people who follow them while managers have people work for them. Discover what emotional intelligent skills leaders have and empower your own communication.

You can expect to focus on your:

Self management
Self awareness
Social skills

This workshop is designed for: middle and senior management.

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Working with other cultures can be an enriching but also a frustrating experience. “Culture” is often at the root of communication challenges. Our culture influences how we approach problems, and how we participate in groups and in communities. When we participate in groups we are often surprised at how differently people approach their work together. Identify your obstacles and discover tools to empower your cross-cultural communication.

During this workshop you will learn to:

Step into other shoes
Learn to listen effectively
Stretch into new awareness about perception
Experience new perspectives
Expand your curiosity
Become a more effective communicator

This workshop is aimed at companies who work with diversity and experience cross cultural challenges.

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Rarely we wake up in the mornings and think of our values. What are your core values, do you feel aligned with them or not? More importantly, what are your company’s values and are they aligned with your personal values? Reconnect with your own values, your company values and confirm your alignment…or not.

Knowing your values can empower you to make decisions and answer questions such as:

Should I accept this?
Should I compromise or be firm?
What makes s/he react that way?
How did they reach that decision?
What makes them so outspoken?

This interactive workshop is popular for company retreats, team bonding/building and creates a new awareness for everyone involved.

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What is the department next to yours doing? What projects keep your other colleagues busy? It is common practice for many teams to be focused on just their team, or individuals on just their own project, without really knowing what is happening around them. Many departments or teams have a difficult time communicating due to the simple fact that they do not fully understand how the other functions. Stepping into other shoes shifts that perspective and creates a greater awareness and potential for collaboration.

In this interactive workshop, you can expect to:

Improve your communication
Be an effective listener
Stretch into a new awareness
Learn to trust more
Appreciate each other’s differences

This workshop is designed to increase collaboration within a team or between teams/departments.

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Anna has been an active participant in YPO (Young Presidents Organization) for over 15 years. She has been a moderator, is a mentor for the next generation and organizes workshops on effective communication.

She is a certified professional co-active coach (CPCC) from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) in London and is trained as Organizational and Relationship Systems coach (ORSC).

She is the founder of Pod Circles, a unique platform for selected internationals leaders from multinationals in Hungary that allow them to connect on a deep level, share their experiences and step into each other's shoes in a confidential setting guided by a facilitator

Anna is half Canadian, half French and has worked and lived in Russia and Hungary for almost 20 years. Her international experiences and perspectives are an added value to companies and mindsets in Central and Eastern Europe.
"Anna is a great Pod Moderator as she has strong business acumen combined with skills in facilitation and coaching. She makes sure every individual gets the most from the session, and keeps the structure and timing of the meeting so you can relax and make the most of it. It’s a tough ask having CEOs together – and keeping them in order – but she does it in a calm and organised manner."
Amanda Nelson, CEO Vodafone, Hungary
"Participating in the POD is supporting me to develop as a leader. The group is a melting pot of different amazing management styles that I can take ideas and methods from which I can use in my daily work. After Anna's sessions I'm always energized and I feel uplifted, she truly is an inspiration."
Ágnes Szűcs-Villányi, Managing Director, Nielsen, Hungary
"Only when you are willing and able to share in a Pod, you will bring benefits to other members and get the most out of it yourself."
Katinka Zinnemers, Managing Director ABACUS MEDICINE, Hungary
"Being able to listen and share experiences in an environment where other people can relate to each other, helps to form new ideas and reflect on my own strengths and weaknesses. A Pod offers exactly these conditions. Talking to peers from other industries offers surprising insights."
Benno Richter, Executive Team | Director of Software Development, TOPdesk, Global



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Every workshop is tailor made to the requests of the clients. We work together as partners and the workshops are designed after assessing team members, in a confidential setting, so that expectations are met on all sides and communication is clear beforehand.

“Anna organized a workshop for Nordic Ambassadors and Embassy staff in autumn 2015. We decided to participate without hesitation. The Nordic Co-operation has been a model for close, honest, transparent and effective way of collaboration. However, it became evident when working with Anna, that even this excellent Nordic way of interaction has room for improvement. Anna’s way of coaching builds on openness, excellent knowledge of cultures, inspiration and admirable sense of humor. I will never forget her motto: “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way” – so true!"
Pasi Tuominen, Director General for Consular Services, MFA Finland, former Ambassador of Finland to Hungary
"When I first asked Anna to run a workshop for my senior management, I wasn’t sure what the feedback would be. Surprisingly, I didn’t get feed-back but rather feed-forward from my team. My colleagues came out of those sessions looking ahead, solution oriented, and connected. I would not hesitate to recommend Anna to anyone facing growing up issues."
Sunny Bhasin, CEO, UTB Enviro Tech, Hungary
"Anna’s workshops are a great way for teams to take a step back, reconnect and reflect on values and leadership. I particularly liked Anna’s ability to run a short but tailored session for my team, which provided a perfect kick off for our offsite meeting."
Claire Roger, General Manager, GlaxoSmithKline, Hungary
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“It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” However way we slice it, our issues and challenges almost always come down to communication, both in our professional and personal lives. What was said not said, what was assumed, how something was interpreted, what someone thought but did not share, what should have been said, what could have been said, what was not meant to be said and so on.
Effective communication is a challenge and varies from country to country. Political systems have suppressed millions of people from using their voices, from being heard, sharing their thoughts, leading initiatives and collaborating with groups or teams, which in today’s global world is an essential skill to have in business.
Through various coaching tools, your self-awareness will increase reconnecting you to your values, the choices you make and the impact it has on you and your surroundings. By empowering yourself, you will empower others.

"During our interactive “Reconnecting with your EQ” session, we learned that communication is key. “It’s not the way you say, it’s how you say it”. With our network of partners and distributors in over 120 countries, it’s very important to acknowledge and embrace our cultural differences and really listen to each other, focusing more on the other person than on yourself."
Anna provided us with a set of convenient tools to improve our personal and coaching skills – tools that could be put to task immediately in our diverse group. We learned that asking questions that start with ‘Why’ can be perceived as aggressive, that acknowledgement in conversations is crucial, and that it is okay to fail from time to time because creating emotional intelligence is a life-long learning curve. "
Jan Moons, CEO, Inovet, Belgium
"Anna's keynote speech and panel contribution on cross-cultural communication was remarkably the highlight of our public event. She inspired the audience with a powerful and meaningful message. Her authenticity, ability to engage with the audience and her thought-provoking style are thoroughly impressive. I would definitely recommend her and would love to collaborate with her again!"
Cristina Florea - Global Shaper
Global Shapers Community (Budapest Hub)
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During the workshops, you will be made aware of the power of coaching in the workplace by equipping yourselves with coaching tools to empower you to become better communicators and more impactful, connected leaders. Learn to develop your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and train your colleagues to create their own tools empowering their communication.

"Anna is an easygoing and very professional trainer who has now done two trainings with our YPO Spouses.
She has an international mindset that adapts naturally to different cultures and mentalities.
She is extremely clear in her communication, makes an impact on our learning and helps each one of us to create our own personal tools. As a participant, I like Anna’s ability to go straight to the point and be extremely efficient in empowering participants in a short time frame."
Nathalie Hecker, YPO Spouse, Alpine Chapter, Switzerland
"Thank you Anna for the communication training you gave us that was very positive. The Anouk Foundation team as a whole could evolve positively since, as everyone is now more aware of their impact on the others and of their respective needs and wishes. You managed to give everyone the space and safe-zone to express themselves and to take something positive home. In addition, your multi-cultural background allowed you to understand where we were all coming from as we represent many different nationalities and hence ways to react and express ourselves."
Vanessa von Richter, Co-director, Anouk Foundation, Switzerland
"A few months ago, we had the opportunity to listen to Anna, about her coaching approach, as well her innovative insights regarding giving feedback. Having been a Country Manager for American Express for several years, a General Manager of ING Bank, Tourism Secretary of Hungary, and having managed over the years significant number of staff, it was very refreshing to learn new techniques."
Probably the best reaction about her lecture was from one of our senior members, who exclaimed “it is a pity my two sons have not heard this outstanding presentation."
Peter Kraft, President- Szent Gellert Rotary Club, Hungary
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Email: anna@jankovich.net
Telephone: +36 30 648 5540
Location: Budapest based, internationally flexible